BAGAS31 – HDCleaner 1.251 Portable merupakan salah satu Aplikasi yang bisa kalian gunakan untuk membersihkan Sampah yang ada di HDD atau Hard Disk kalian secara maksimal. Selain itu, kalian juga bisa menggunakan beberapa Fitur lain yang ada di HDCleaner, untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja dari Hard Disk kalian. Tentunya hal ini sangat berguna untuk mengatasi Hard Disk yang tiba-tiba penuh tanpa sebab. Selain itu, tampilan nya pun tidak terlalu sulit dan mudah dimengerti untuk orang awam sekalipun.
HDCleaner 1.251 Portable
Screenshoot :
Download :
- HDCleaner 1.251 Portable
[Douploads] | [File Up] - Password : www.bagas31.info | Status : Tested (Windows 10 64bit)
Features :
- Plugin Cleaner – deleting Internet traces, Windows tracks and program traces. Support for over 700 plugins.
- 1-Click Maintenance and Automatic Maintenance – can be with the “Auto Maintenance” and “1-Click Maintenance” multiple optimization steps run automatically, to ensure a tidy, reliable and fast operating system
- Registry Cleaner – Cleans registry, eliminates errors and optimizes the performance of the computer. NOTE: The settings made are applied to the “1-Click Maintenance and Automatic Maintenance”
- Make room on your PC – Remove Unnecessary Files
- Optimize services – Disabling unnecessary services lowers the background activities, win system resources and shoveling memory free, which can be used for other programs
- Find Duplicate Files – In time duplicates of all kinds accumulate on the hard drive, which needlessly take up space and can down the entire system
- AntiSpy – disable settings in Windows, which will autonomously contact the Internet.
- DiskDoctor-lists and corrects errors on the disk
- Defragment Registry- Analyze and optimize the registry database
- DirToHTML – output contents of a selected directory as an HTML file
- Backup & Restore – complete backup and restore the registry ..
- DLL Cleaner-Frees the system from unnecessary and old DLL files
- Hive backup backup and restore the registry
- Browse registry – Browse the registry in turbo mode
- Creating and Editing System Restore Points
- Wipe files and folders, wipe free disk space, wipe complete partitions or complete drives with Pseudorandom Data, US DoD 5220.22-M (8-306. / E), US DoD 5220.22-M (8-306. / E, C and E), Schneier’s 7 pass or Gutmann 35 passes.
Cara Install :
- Download terlebih dahulu HDCleaner nya lewat link diatas
- Extract dengan menggunakan WinRAR
- Buka File yang sudah di Extract tadi
- Pilih Versi HDCleaner sesuai dengan OS kalian (32 / 64)
- Jalankan HDCleaner
- Finish
Semoga bermanfaat.
from BAGAS31 | Download Software Gratis http://bit.ly/2NeexKl
Source: https://bagas31.info
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